A hacked version of xmltv2vdr.pl is available.
It contains the following changes:
Ideally, this should consider the xmltv data domain; for now I've only worked on what is actually in the UK and Italian feeds.... i18n internationalization support is provided for data element labels. The rest is "to do".
-> Currently, only English, Italian, French and a rough stab at German have been done. If you don't get labels in your output, you need to translate the labels you see in the i18n section. Labels DO NOT default to English. If you don't like the German labels, they can be changed....
Now, the end time will be set to 30 min from the start time. A warning "reminds" the user to run xmltv's tv_sort on the input xml file.
tv_sort calculates the ending time based on the starting time of the next event for a channel. Since the last event for a channel won't have an ending time, even if tv_sort is used, a fictitious 30 stop time is better than nothing. Eventually, a note should be added to the description... to do.
Even with tv_sort, there will still be a few events (the last one for each channel) without end times, thus the 30 minute work around.
After I did this, I discovered that there was a patch against 1.05 to build tv_sort functionality into xmltv2vdr. If someone wants to add it in to this version, fine by me.
/xmltv2vdr.pl [options] -c
I only tested the t, n, c and x options. In particular, I may have broken the l (description verbosity) option, as I'm not sure how it worked. If someone could look at this.... and possibly fix it...